I’m a kitchen person. It’s one of most favorite places in the home, not only because it has become the central location for family, but because I like to cook. Other than the stove, the sink is probably most used object in a kitchen, so you can imagine that working at a less than spectacular sink is quite difficult, at least for me.
We just moved out of a terrible rental into the home we had built. I happily said goodbye to the 6″ deep stainless steel sink (that should be deemed illegal), and welcomed my new 9″ deep sink, which is also is extra wide. Amazing what three inches can do!
In luxury homes, the sink you choose can really make a room pop and they are typically not cheap. The one pictured above is a farmhouse copper sink with stone mosaic tile lining the inside. If you want one, don’t fall out of your seat when you hear the $4350 price tag.
Kitchen sinks are made of many different materials. The most common is stainless steel, but more and more I am seeing porcelain farmhouse sinks in higher-end homes. A new trend in modern design is the use of glass sinks. Or you might find a concrete sink, like the one pictured left.
During the Parade of Homes this month, I have been seeing a lot of fancy bowls in power rooms. Ones similar to this green bowl, with beautiful patterns, become pieces of art work in a bath. Some luxury home owners are highlighting their new bowls with up-lighting or spotlights.

Sinks have come a long way, and now are treated with more reverence. Many are custom made and unique to the home design. Of course the hardest part is picking out something you are going to love for a long time. Maybe what a home owner should do is first buy the sink, and then design the rest of the kitchen around it?!
Read the previous series posts:
Must Haves for the Luxury Kitchen – Drawers
Must Haves for the Luxury Kitchen – Countertops